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1937 Chemin du Village, suite 206

(819) 327-3534

Voir au bien-être de ses membres dans tous les domaines de la santé physique et mentale, tant sur le plan curatif que préventif.



Coop Santé St-Adolphe et Morin-Heights


The Coop is there for you!

The Covid-19 makes war on us. But as a team we are strong. As a team, we are constantly monitoring the situation! We are proud to be able to maintain local health services in St-Adolphe and Morin-Heights.

Your Health Coop has changed its operation to be able to provide a safe and efficient service for patients, doctors and our staff.

ANY REQUEST for an appointment or information must be made BY TELEPHONE in order to limit access to the clinic. Telephone meetings are prioritized or will be done at the clinic if necessary. We will ask you a lot of questions, be aware that this is to guide you better.

To date, your doctors and IPSPL are available and your dedicated secretaries too! Walk-in clinics are maintained and some can also be added. Your medical team is on the job!

Regularly (several times a week) our Facebook page, website and telephone answering machines are updated.

If you have an appointment in person:
-Please avoid being accompanied.
-As soon as you arrive upstairs, wash your hands
-Announce your arrival to the secretary
-Please Sit in the waiting room and try to avoidcontact with anything

No coronavirus screening is available at the Coop santé.

The line to contact if you have COVID-19 symptoms that worry you: 1- 877-644-4545

The Coop is there for you!

Here are links to consult to keep you informed:

Situation of covid-19 in Quebec-English

Covid-19 situation in Canada - English

Covid-19- Self-care guide