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1937 Chemin du Village, suite 206

(819) 327-3534

Voir au bien-être de ses membres dans tous les domaines de la santé physique et mentale, tant sur le plan curatif que préventif.



Coop Santé St-Adolphe et Morin-Heights



You can make an appointment for your Influenza vaccine at the Coop santé de St-Adolphe!

Several dates are available. Make an appointment by calling 819-327-3534.

Who can get vaccinated

The flu shot is recommended and offered free of charge to people who are more at risk of developing complications:

• children aged 6 months to 17 years with certain chronic diseases **;

• adults with certain chronic diseases (including pregnant women, regardless of the stage of their pregnancy);

• pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of their pregnancy;

• people aged 75 and over.

In order to reduce the risk of contamination, vaccination is also offered free of charge:

• relatives who live under the same roof as a child under 6 months of age or a person at high risk of hospitalization or death, as well as their natural caregivers;

• health workers.

Vaccination is also free for the following people:

• children aged 6 to 23 months in good health;

• people aged 60 to 74 in good health.

** Chronic diseases recognized under the program

A person with one of the chronic diseases below can be vaccinated free of charge since their illness makes them more vulnerable to complications from the flu.

• Chronic heart or lung disorders serious enough to require regular medical monitoring or hospital care, including:

o bronchopulmonary dysplasia;

o cystic fibrosis;

o chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);

o emphysema;

o asthma.

• Chronic conditions such as:

o diabetes or other chronic metabolic disorders;

o liver problems, including cirrhosis;

o kidney problems;

o blood disorders, including hemoglobinopathy;

o cancer;

o immune deficiencies, including HIV infection;

o immunosuppression caused by radiation therapy, chemotherapy or anti-rejection drugs (transplant).

• Medical conditions which may affect the ability to expel respiratory secretions and the ability to swallow, including:

o cognitive disorders;

o spinal cord injuries;

o convulsive disorders;

o neuromuscular disorders;

o morbid obesity.